The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Thursday, June 28, 2007


I survived the videotaped session of oral arguments for Moot Court without passing out, throwing up or otherwise embarrassing myself. Actually, I wasn't afraid of any of that. I was more afraid of having the professor/judge ask me questions and not having answers. Luckily, every question he asked me I had a ready answer for. I did not sound as smooth as I would have liked on the section where I was basically talking from my outline (not on direct questioning), mostly because my partner and I have been focused on getting our paper done. I turned that in before 1pm today, had class 1:30-4:30pm, which left little time to actually practice delivering my comments. The good thing is the competition is July 11-13, so in 2 weeks I should be pretty smooth.

I have finished all the reading for my Prof. Resp. class, so all I really need to do in there is construct some sort of an outline and study for the July 17th final. My Family Law Mediation class has its last meeting tomorrow from 8:30-12:30. I already wrote the paper I'm turning in for that, and I suppose I should review what I'm going to present to the class about that. Amazing what a more comprehensive presentation does to your attitude about little ones. I don't really even care about this one, much less have any apprehension about it.

I feel a huge sense of relief to have this paper done, turned in, and finished the videotaping. I'm actually not doing anything tonight and I will probably take the afternoon off tomorrow to run some errands and just plain relax. If I didn't have class tomorrow, I'd like to sleep in till about noon....
