The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Failing Or Just Staying Sane?

Our brief is coming along. I may do some additional revising- depends on how ambitious I am in the next day or so. I did finish my PR reading for next week as well as finish my paper for Family Law Mediation. I haven't prepared for Thursday's videotaped oral arguments. I feel quite confident at this point that I will suck. Yeah, nothing like having confidence in yourself.

The summer school work may be beginning to wind down, but I'm not feeling much less stress. Most of that is from non-school reasons, but I'm still affected. Once my finals for summer school are over, I'm going to be working at the DA full-time, studying for the MPRE, and starting to prepare for my trial in September in federal court. (Oh, and let's not forget starting to read for the fall classes, as those assignments will be available shortly after summer school ends!)

Of course, if I want to do a law review comment, I should be working on that during the same time. Right now, I feel so overwhelmed, I just can't imagine how I would ever get it done in time, since they expect graduating students to have it basically completed mid August when we register for fall. As I said, I'm going to be working full time and doing those other things. I don't see how I could try to tackle a major research project in there as well.

Part of me feels like I'll be a failure if I don't do Law Review. Another part of me thinks it is better to know my limits. Guess which part is winning right now?
