The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Countdown to 24

I'm not in the habit of watching live tv. That is what happens once you have tivo. That, and never having to watch stupid shows or commercials again (well, unless you want to). But tonight I will make an exception......for the season premiere of 24. This time we have a 2 hour segment to watch tonight, and ANOTHER 2 hour segment tomorrow night.

I guess I should be honest. I WILL watch it on tivo, just at the time it is being recorded. That way I can replay anything that flies by too quick, or pause should the phone ring (yeah, right, as if I'll answer the phone during 24!).

I don't have a whole lot to work on today. I need to brief the Exxon case for CivPro and outline that class. For my Legal Research class, I already did the research part for the next paper. My study group and I found 2 excellent cases, and several statutes. Once we get the note from our professor (which she said she'd leave in our boxes this week to answer some commonly asked questions), I will know how many of the statutes to use. I'm assuming we won't need more than 2 cases, as the 5.5 page paper length would not be enough to discuss more. I think tomorrow I will start the paper (the beginning structural part) and make notes on the cases. I don't want to start writing the main section until I know how many statutes and cases to use.

We have a Torts quiz on Wednesay, but it is only worth 1 point so I'm not worried. It is only going to be 15-20 minutes and a short answer format. My study group is meeting tomorrow morning to work on that. After that meeting, I will probably not have to spend a whole lot of time studying for that. It will most likely be something like, "Do the duty part of the analysis on this fact pattern." Shouldn't be too bad.

Other than that, not much going on here....except waiting for 24! :)


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