The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Freakin' Legal Cause!

So, my Torts midterm is on Monday, which will be covering intentional torts and negligence (at least as much as we have gotten through so far). I feel like I really get it except for the Legal Cause part. UGH! It just seems so confusing....completely wishy washy and not clear at all. My study group did meet today and we went through an old exam, which did help some. I wish I would have some breakthrough in that area so it would all click for me.

Tomorrow, my group is meeting from 9-12, and then I promised the kids we'd go get our Christmas tree. All our decorations are in the attic, so it is a major hassle to get it all out, bring it downstairs, take it out of the boxes, and then put all the boxes away. I'm usually left with little bits of white styrofoam (which all the decorations are packed in) all over the place. And somehow, it is always ME who ends up unpacking everything, doing the lights on the tree (I HATE that job!), and then having to pack up all the boxes again (not to mention picking and packing up everything after Christmas). It's a huge hassle and pain actually, but of course, I will do it all, and not complain, and then afterwards look at our tree and decorated house and smile and be glad I did. :)


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