The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Now What?

Ok, so I spent the last 3 years in law school, graduated with distinction, spent a grueling 9 weeks studying for the California bar exam, and just finished taking it. Now what?

I came home yesterday, unpacked, did laundry, and repacked for my trip to Maui for which I leave tomorrow. So far this morning, I've dusted, vacuumed, mopped the floors, cleaned the bathrooms and the kitchen. I've also moved all my BarBri books and bar study outlines off of the floor of my office. Now what?

Once I get back from Hawaii, I will get in touch with my contacts at various places and see if I can get at least a temporary job while waiting for the bar results (which will be posted at 6pm on Nov. 21). Other than that, there is nothing I have to do. It feels so weird.

Law school started off kind of slowly. Everything was completely foreign and most of the first year I doubted I would even pass. But as I eased into second year and then the third, it started to encompass more and more of my life- how I thought, what I did, who I spent time with, what my schedule was. Bar review is even worse. I became so totally isolated in this little world that seemed to only include studying and sleeping. All relatives and non-bar-preparing friends became a distant memory. My vision was so narrow and focused. Take the bar. Give a passing performance.

Actually taking the bar exam was rather freeing because all of a sudden, I was doing something with everything (well, some of the things) I had been learning and studying for years. At that point, the studying was done. And for the first time in a long time, I could see beyond this little world that drew me in.

Now what? Now is the time to reconnect with family and friends I haven't seen much of in the last 3 years, especially the last 3 months. Now is the time to stop being a "sheep" and get back to what makes me me. Now is the time to do the things that bring me joy, that I haven't been about to do for years. Now is the time to return to real life.
