The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

23 Criminal Offenses...

and 7 defenses....that's what I've been working on memorizing that last day and a half for tonight's Criminal Law exam. I don't have them down "pretty", but I have enough that counts.

I'm not expected this test to be very difficult really. I think it is going to be more about how much info can I cram in there in the time we have. After reviewing past exams and answers, it seems like if you have the time and need more to talk about, you can talk about what things would be if the facts were different or more fully explained. Not sure I will be able to be that ambitious. I'm just happy if I can remember all the crimes and their definitions.

I normally put all of our Christmas decoration up (including the tree) the first weekend of December. Because I'm busy studying and because I'd rather the tree be somewhat fresh when my daughter gets home from MIT on Dec. 21, I decided to postpone it. But it just doesn't seem right without things looking all festive and ready for the holidays. I think I'm going to get the decorations out and up this weekend, and get the tree next Thursday, once I finish my final test on Wednesday night (Con Law).

I do have all my shopping done (thank goodness for the internet!). I'm still waiting for a few things to arrive, but hopefully they will be here by the end of next week so I can sit down and get them all wrapped while my son is still in school.

Ok, back to Crim....

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