The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Monday, April 03, 2006

I have officially finished one year of law school.....

in one class at least. I turned in my final Legal Analysis paper today, and because we are done meeting and have no final in there, I AM DONE! YEAH! It feels so good to have something completed. I know it's "just" a one unit course, but there was an awful lot of work for that one unit. I'll surely have my highest grade on this class too. Anyway, I loved my professor and am planning on taking her again for one of the other classes she teaches. I enjoyed her and the class itself and felt that I learned something that was actually practical, unlike the substantive law classes, which aren't geared that way.

Oh, and here's a little tidbit from today:


1L (while discussing a case where a reporter secretly recorded her fellow employees at a psychic network job she took to get the story) : "If they are working for a psychic network, how could they have an expectation of privacy?"


No one quite has the wit and humor that my Contracts professor does. Thank goodness too! He knows just how to break up the boring factor of Contracts with enough bad jokes and puns to keep you laughing, or groaning, but at least awake and listening. I guess I don't expect the Dean, who teaches Torts, to be as funny, though we do have a number of students in there who are. Personally, I love all the humor, because I find it refreshing and it lightens the seriousness of everything else. Thank goodness for laughter and smiles!


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