The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Going for the Sympathy Vote

You know, I guess people will use whatever they can when it comes to winning elections, even (relatively) meaningless ones in school. I think the candy treats and cute fliers are great, and a nice break to all the seriousness of things, but what I don't appreciate it being yanked on for a sympathy vote.

Yesterday, during Torts classes, several individuals who are running for various Student Bar Association positions kind of introduced themselves and asked for votes. No big speeches, just more or less an "I'm running and this is who I am" kind of thing. Nothing stood out really, except something that offended me. One candidate, after introducing himself, had to throw out there that his mom was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and will probably die in the next month or so. I won't even comment on the cavalier way he tossed that out, but as a woman, I find that extremely offensive that he would use her breast cancer that way. There was NO good reason for him to say that. He could have easily said he has had some family/health issues which prevented him for posting fliers, or whatever. But to use her illness that way, especially as someone who has had a minor scare in that area in the past, well, I was beyond offended.

It's one thing to ask for votes, but it's another to use means that aren't necessary. If you are so worthy and talented of my vote, show me. Don't try to make me feel sorry for you. A big thumbs down in my book for this candidate!


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