The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Monday, March 20, 2006

No Torts Midterm Yet

I kind of expected to get it back today. We did go over the first question, but didn't get anything back. I don't know....I don't really care. I'm thinking my grade is in the 70s, so I'm not in a hurry to see it. We spent about half of the class today going over that answer. I don't remember exactly what I put. I think I did fairly well, except I think I either skipped defenses or didn't do them thoroughly. Oh well....

My daughter went to school today, and even though she had only told her friends and 2 teachers about getting accepted by MIT, she said random people were coming up to her all day, congratulating her. I did do the embarrassing mom thing and emailed her principal and told him, and he did email me back, saying they were very proud of her. (Well, gosh, they should be! I don't think their school has ever gotten someone into MIT before!) I'm sure she would roll her eyes at me big time if she knew how much I was bragging about her on here. I just can't help it. I'm still just blown away by it all.

Part of the joy of being a parent is looking at your child and seeing your strengths repeated in them. (Of course, the reverse is also true about seeing your faults and shortcomings making an appearance in them.) But, to see your child have your strengths, and then have them magnified, and then actually use them responsibly, it's just so gratifying. I mean, when I went to college, I was originally a Math major. (She wants to major in Math and/or Physics.) But, I got distracted and wasn't seeing a future for me there. I didn't have any inspiration about what my future could be. I feel in some ways that I wasted my talent/skills/intelligence by not doing more then. Of course, it all worked out because I had 2 wonderful kids, and am pursuing something now. Maybe not what I am ideally suited for, but at least I'm doing well. Anyway, it just makes me see that she IS using her gifts and making the most of them.

I am so thankful for both of my kids. I am proud of both of them, and can't imagine my life without them. It is a privilege to be their mom. :)


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