The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Now I Remember!

This is the picture I was thinking of the other day, when I caught my cat posing. Of course, my cat isn't nearly as privileged as this one, since I refused to bring her the remote and a beer.

In other news, the escrow on my house finally closed yesterday, after being on the market for 16 months! The final selling price was only 12% more than I paid for it in 2003, and a whopping 33% less than the original price I listed it for in June 2007. Considering everything that has happened in the financial markets in the last few weeks, and what seems bound to happen in the months ahead, I feel fortunate that it did close and that I did walk away with some money from it. Still, it makes me feel sick to think how much more I could have gotten out of it, had I sold it a year earlier.

I learned something new the other day. Once a judge signs your divorce judgment, it is in effect the day that the judge signs it. (This does not shorten the time for a dissolution to be final to less than 6 months, if the judgment is signed before that time, however.) What this means for me is that since my maiden name was being restored, I do not have to wait until the final date of dissolution for my name to change. Legally, since the judgment was already signed, it has been changed. I'm now in the process of doing all the paperwork to get it changed on everything. Yes, that is a pain, but at least I have the time to do it right now.
