The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

How Many Points = An Ass Kicking???

As further proof that I have nothing to do these days, I pose the question, "In the game of Scrabble, how many points must you win by to consider it an 'ass-kicking' of your opponent?"

I think one needs to establish a hearty win by at least a 50 point spread to declare that an ass-kicking has occurred. My boyfriend, on the other hand, thinks that even a one point win qualifies. He thinks this, of course, because he beat me by 8 measly points last night.

Let's review our last 3 games, on which I have kept these mental notes. Three games ago, I beat him by 60 points- an obvious ass-kicking by probably anyone's standards. Two games ago, he beat me by 40. I suppose that could have been an ass-kicking, if one established the ass-kicking level as a relatively low number such as 25. This past game, he won by 8 points. However, if you note, the cumulative scores of the past 3 games would put me in the lead by 12 points....not an overall ass-kicking by my standards, but apparently one to my boyfriend.

So even if my ass was kicked last night, my boyfriend's ass has been cumulatively kicked! :)
