The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Is It Just Me Or....

Do so many things suddenly need doing, when it is time to study for exams? I mean, it is amazing how dirty the house appears, how much laundry needs washing, and how many errands of dire importance seem to come up right before exams! I guess I find it too easy to be distracted, so much so that even the most mundane chores seem preferable to more studying.

The good thing is that after Friday, I only have one final left, AND I don't have to study for that one since it is doing a Performance Exam in the 3 hour time slot. Soooo, I'm looking forward to a weekend without much that I have to do. : )

Good luck to my fellow schoolmates on the rest of your exams!


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

It Is Almost Over

Three more classes and four finals and I'm done with law school. I still don't believe it. They bury you with so much reading and work that eventually that becomes "normal" to the point you feel like your whole life will be that way. The prospect that it may not be doesn't even compute.

Most students I know have taken off these 3 weeks to study. I'm only taking off a week and a half and now I wish I had taken off more time, as I feel woefully unprepared. But, I didn't want to miss more than one court day and I feel a sense of responsibility to my work to make sure as much as possible is done before I leave to study for the bar exam. I know I should be more concerned about my grades than a job I don't get paid for, but I'm not.

It's been more than a month since I moved out and filed for divorce. I'm surprised that this has been so easy and unstressed a time. I am happier now than I have been for years. I could never have anticipated things going this way, after the situation that lead up to this point. But I'm thrilled that it is, as it is so much easier to focus on studying and getting things done when I'm not distracted by domestic disputes and conflict.

I guess I should get back to studying. I have so much to do!

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Saturday, April 12, 2008

Barrister's Ball

Last night was the school's annual Barrister's Ball- the end of the year party where all the scholarships are announced. If you are going to get one, you get a name tag. You just don't know which one until they are announced later.

Four people at my table had name tags. I was honored to receive the "Woman Lawyer" scholarship, which is for a female student who "works a minimum of 15 hours per week and shows promise as a lawyer". Yeah, so that was very nice.

It was a fun night. I got to wear a "Barbie" dress- pink, sparkly, low cut and girlie :) and hang out with my favorite people. Winning $1000 doesn't hurt either.

Anyway, unfortunately I must now confront the end of the semester. I have one more reading assignment to do and outlines to create. Ugh. All I feel like doing is getting a pizza and watching a movie!


Saturday, April 05, 2008

More Changes

When I started working at the U.S. Attorney's office in August, I was the only student running the misdemeanor unit there. It was very overwhelming at first, but I quickly fit right in, and loved the extremely fast-paced environment. It's always crazy-busy there and I wouldn't have it any other way. The longer I have been there, the more I love it.

One of my study partners from school joined me there in January. It has been an adjustment to share "my department" with someone, to realize that people have different work styles, etc. I finally reached the point where I was happily letting my partner have half of the work load, and concentrating my efforts only on my cases.

Sooooo, I guess life doesn't want me to get too comfortable. My partner had an issue come up that has forced him to be unable to continue this internship. It's hard to know how to react. Part of me didn't even want to think about it- I had just allowed myself to give all these cases over, and now they were my responsibility AGAIN! Ugh! But, of course, the bigger part of me was happy to have full responsibility for the department again, knowing full well that I ran it for 6 months with no help.

The hardest part is that my time left there is so limited. I have 3 more weeks, then I am taking a week and a half off for finals, and then coming in for another week and a half to wrap things up. I'm then going to be studying for the bar exam through the end of July. Unfortunately, this will leave the department with no one for the entire summer. The interview and checkground process takes 3-4 months, so even if they hurry, they most likely will not be able to get anyone before August. Of course, this is what happened last summer, and the bare minimum was covered by my boss, while everything else just piled up.

I've offered to come back and work August through November (when I get my bar results) and help train whomever they hire and get them up to speed. That will help the department AND me, because I am going to need something to do those months so I don't go out of my mind waiting to hear if I passed or not. They are apparently trying to figure out a way to have me do that. So YEAH! :)
