The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Friday, August 24, 2007

One Week Down

And I'm still alive, despite having 5 classes and working 20 hours (and however many hours of commuting between 3 places, all a half hour apart). It wasn't really bad. Ok, so I'm tired and wish I could sleep for more than 6 hours at a time, but it's not as bad as I thought.

I absolutely LOVE my new internship at the US Attorney's office! It's the kind of thing that even though I'm going to be working 20 hours a week there, I feel like I could easily work 40, and still not get everything done, but still love it as much. It's hard to explain exactly WHY I like it so much. Everyone there is very nice and helpful; I am given REAL stuff to do; it is interesting; I feel like I'm learning tons of stuff; the building is beautiful.........honestly, I cannot think of any internship that I'd rather be doing this year. I feel so incredibly fortunate to have this one!

For this weekend, I need to do a little reading, and a written assignment for Advanced Research and Writing. Hopefully I will get that all wrapped up in a few hours tomorrow. Then I need to spend the rest of the weekend going over materials for my Sept. 17th trial. I'm probably going down to Bakersfield this coming week to interview and prepare my witnesses for trial, so I need to get all that stuff organized.

The sad thing for me is that my daughter is leaving to go back to school tomorrow morning. While I'm thrilled that she is well enough to go, it is still extremely hard to let her go, especially after all that she has gone through this summer. I will admit that I didn't mind having to "take care" of her this summer. I haven't felt needed by her in a long time, and as a mom, I relish playing that role and actually getting the chance to do things for her. The scan she had the other day showed that the cancer did not spread, but just keep her in your prayers that she will continue to do well. I'm not sure I'm ready to have her leave just yet. Unfortunately, I don't have any choice.

At least I'll be so busy the next 4 months that it will fly by, and hopefully before I know it, I'll be picking her up and it will be Christmas......

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