The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Monday, April 02, 2007

The Cat's Out of the Bag

I was originally not supposed to say anything until next week, but we were able to talk to certain family members this weekend, so I can talk about it now.

If you pay attention to the details I post, or have talked to me in person, you will know that my plan has been to relocate to the SF bay area after graduation. Hubby works up there and the plan has always been for us to move up there once I graduate (which coincides with my son graduating from high school). For various reasons, we have come to the conclusion that it makes more sense for us to stay here!

That means I WILL be here after graduation and seeking employment HERE. I'm so relieved and happy. I look forward to being able to continue many of the relationships I have started in law school- with fellow students and professors- as I start in the legal profession here, where my law school is actually known and well thought of. (I had wondered how many times I was going to have explain where SJCL is to people in the bay area.) This also places a higher importance on whatever internship I end up at this summer because it just MAY be where I end up after graduation, if things go well.

Maybe no one else cares. Maybe some will hope I was going to move away. Oh well. I'm happy and I do look forward to being able to continue working with so many good people I've met here at school.
