The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Monday, May 01, 2006


If you ask me how I think I did on the Torts final tonight, I would have to say I think I kicked ass. Not a very classy response I suppose, but honestly, my first reaction. The final was 2.5 hours long. I spent 1 hour on the first question (defamation and intentional tort), 1:15 on the second (strict liability/negligence), and spent about 10 minutes reviewing before uploading my answers a few minutes early. As a gauge to the length of my answers, my answer for the first question was about 8000 characters, but the answer to the second was over 12,000 characters.

There was a lot in the questions to address, including a few little tricky ones, like Summers v. Tice causation in the second question, a bona fide purchaser issue and mental incapacity defense in the first question. I'm sure there are things I forgot (guaranteed I will wake up in the middle of the night and remember them). But at this point, I wouldn't be surprised if I got a 90 on that final. To be more realistic, I will assume my grade is probably in the 80s.

According to the professor, the grades are due by May 30th. She thought they would be online on the 31st. What appears online will be our final class grade, NOT the final exam grade. We can then go in and see and copy our final exam, but cannot keep the original.

Honestly, as I told my study partner the other day, I don't get nervous or anxious about taking tests. If anything, it's more kind of excited, because it's my time to show off what I know. I'm not the type that learns by having to talk in class/confirm my understanding that way. I hear, process, and understand on my own. So when I finally get the chance to show that I have listened, learned and KNOW, I want the chance, and look forward to it.

Anyway, I'm feeling VERY good about my performance on Torts. Now on to CivPro on Thursday.


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