The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

More Trials

I checked my cases at work the other day and found that I have 3 scheduled for trial in the next couple of months. One is just a bench trial next Thursday, so that one is no big deal. (Have already had 3 of those- all convictions, of course!) The other two will probably end up pleading out, but you can't be sure until you have the signed agreement in your hands. One case is a DUI and drug case. The other, if I remember right, involved an assault and under the influence charge.

I really enjoy any time I have in court, but now that my internship is in its last few months (sob, sob!), I'm wanting as many trial experiences as I can get. So, it certainly won't bother me any if these cases don't settle. I haven't had a trial against any of the federal defenders yet and would love the opportunity to go up against one of them.

My boss is probably going to trial on another one of our misdemeanor cases at the end of the month. The case is one of our IRS unauthorized access cases. I'm not sure if I'm going to be involved in that one or not. It is scheduled to begin on a Tuesday, a day I don't work. I already missed one of my Tuesday classes for my last trial. Ugh. The annoyance of having to finish school when you have a job you love and want to keep.

Hard to believe in 3 months school and this internship will be over.
