The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Fall Grades

The last of my grades for the fall semester was posted this morning. Here's the final tally:

Evidence 89 (2nd highest in class)
Community Property 87 (Highest in class)
Advanced Research & Writing 85 (2nd highest in class)
Remedies 81
Wills & Trusts ok, not so good, but still way above passing

I'm very pleased to have had my best semester ever, and moreso that it happened during my most stressful semester ever. After this, and the whole moot court/medical drama this summer, I'm feeling like I do my best under extreme stress. I've always known that I hate to be bored, but didn't really know the extent of it!

In other news, my trial is 2 weeks from tomorrow. I spent a lot of the day today calling my witnesses and doing other prep work. I only work 20 hours a week, so that doesn't give me much time to get everything ready. I'm started to get excited about it again though. I'm still set to do the opening, closing, and 8 of our 14 witnesses. Fun!

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