The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Thursday, May 11, 2006


A little break from my law school observations from 1st year.....

First of all, what the heck happened to spring? It was cold all of March and April, and now we are in the 90s! I just ran out to do an errand, and when I got back in my car, the thermometer read 116! Now, it was probably only about 94 (the temp gets a higher reading if I'm parked in the sun for awhile), but still. What happened a month of temperatures in the 70s and 80s? It's almost useless to have a convertible here. It's always either too hot or too cold to put the top down!

Secondly, what is going on with American Idol? Not that I like the kind of music Chris sings, but he seemed to be the most talented and marketable. I don't understand why Katherine is still there. In my opinion, she is so blah and personality-less. She should have been the one kicked off last night. Taylor, while he has a good voice, is more about personality. But I have to wonder about him. Does he really think he's a good dancer? Dude, take some lessons! You have the energy, but get it channeled in a more fashionable way! I can take or leave Elliot really. He has a great voice, but almost seems too humble. I guess I like a little bit of attitude.

Finally, why am I so tired NOW? I made it through finals fine, yet now that I have nothing to do (not exactly true, but at least school-wise), I'm exhausted and have no energy. Maybe it's the heat, especially since it came on so quickly. Or maybe it's just that the adrenaline has finally stopped flowing. Whatever it is, just UGH! I have too many things I need to get done before summer school starts to be this tired.

Ok, that's it for now. Watch for my study group post later tonight or tomorrow.


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