The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

I'm Official

Getting my name changed on every account, credit card, and identification item I have did not take as long as I thought. I received my new driver's license in the mail the other day and with that was able to finish changing over the last accounts that needed that before they would make the change. Also, I haven't actually received my new passport yet, but I did send in all the required items weeks ago. (No, I don't have an international trip planned at the current time, but I just like knowing that if I want to go somewhere on the spur of the moment, I can.)

The last place I need to change my name is with the state bar, but they won't let me do it now since I'm in limbo. I either change it with them if I pass, or register to take it again with the new name. :(

In other news, author Michael Crichton has died. I think Jurassic Park was his first book that I read, though I did so before the movie came out and was disappointed when it did not enthrall me as much as the book had. I then read his other prior fiction books (The Andromeda Strain, The Great Train Robbery, Eaters of the Dead, Congo, Sphere, Terminal Man) and continued to read his new books (Rising Sun, Disclosure, Lost World, Air Frame, Timeline, Prey, State of Fear and Next, which I finally finished after the bar exam) over the years. He apparently has one last novel coming out December 2.

I always appreciated the research that he did on the subjects of his books, with all the detail and depth that gave them. I'll miss not having more of his books to read in the future.



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