The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Does this mean I passed?

I saw my Legal Analysis professor this morning, and told her that I had talked to another student about the Small Claims Advisory that she runs, and the training I had for it on Friday. When I mentioned he might also be interested in it, she made the comment that she had not checked the grades for any other first year students. Quickly digesting the meaning, I asked her, "So, does that mean that I DID pass???" It seemed like it caught her off guard, and she paused a second then said, "I think you passing is a good bet."

It seemed like her first comment meant that she knew the other first year student and I who did the training last week passed because she had checked our grades. I had thought the professors didn't have to turn in their grades until May 30, so on one hand I would be surprised if she was able to check any grades, as I'm not sure they are even done yet. But on the other hand, she surely could have requested our tests be graded first, or at least gotten the other professors to look at our tests and make sure they were at least 65 level.

It makes sense that she would want to make sure anyone who was going to start working BEFORE grades are even posted would be eligible to do so (by being a passing student). I guess it's silly to try to analyze a possible "slip" by the professor because I don't seriously doubt that I passed. I'm just anxious to know for sure and know exactly what my grades were. Only 9 more days....


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